CIE Basın Bülteni #32


CIE Newsletter                  September 25, 2019 / #32


CIE Events 2020

5th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance
April 20 - 24, 2020, Hong Kong.

This five-day event comprises of a two-day symposium, a tutorial and workshop day, and  the annual meetings of CIE Divisions 1, 2 and 8 and their Technical Committees.

The previous symposium in this series saw over 180 attendees gathered to share their work and experiences in the topic of colour and visual appearance.Like its predecessors this symposium will be of interest to those concerned with aspects of the perception and measurement of visual appearance and measurement of the bidirectional reflection and transmission distribution functions of modern materials.

Abstracts are now being accepted for the symposium and can be submitted until October 23, 2019

The planning for the tutorial and workshop day is underway,  the following contents for the day will be:

  • A half day tutorial on colorimetry - sure to be of interest to all who use the CIE colorimetry  publications, including CIE 015:2018 and the ISO/CIE Colorimtery series.
  • Half a day of workshops, which will run in two parallel sessions, on
    • Advanced BRDF measurements
    • State of the art in sparkle and graininess characterization
    • 3D measurement appearance
    • Multisensorial experience of appearance

We are also aware that many of you interested in contributing to this symposium might be wondering, and have concern, about the current situation in Hong Kong and how this might impact upon not only the symposium but importantly the travel arrangements and security of attendees at the symposium. We can advise that the situation is being closely monitored, and contingencies are being arranged to ensure that the symposium will take place in April next year.

 More information about the symposium can be found on the CIE Website, including information about the scope of the symposium and registration fees.

Looking forward to seeing your topical and interesting abstracts! 

CIE Workshop on the Calculation and Measurement of Obtrusive Light
May 21 - 22, 2020, Ostrava, Czech Republic.

Obtrusive light (sometimes known as light pollution) is a generic term for the adverse effects of artificial light on the night-time environment. Obtrusive light is a side effect of outdoor lighting installations, which is caused by inappropriate light distribution from luminaires and light reflected from illuminated surfaces.

While obtrusive light is an interdisciplinary problem, it is still mainly addressed within disciplines, leading to a fragmented knowledge base. For example, there has yet to be agreement over common language, metrics and measurement methods. The International Commission on Illumination (CIE), the international body for light and lighting, paves the way towards adaptive outdoor lighting where the visual needs of users are balanced against the negative impacts of obtrusive light. CIE has long recognized the importance of limiting obtrusive light and issued break-through guidelines on this subject.

The emergence of revolutionary lighting technologies in the last decade has however brought new challenges. This workshop aims to bring together professionals from different disciplines to discuss and outline future directions of investigation, research, development and standardization in the field of obtrusive light and light pollution.

CIE Division 4 and our hosts, VŠB - the Technical University of Ostrava, look forward to welcoming you to this workshop. The event is  scheduled during the new moon phase of May and will include practical measurements of sky glow when road lighting of an urban area is on and off  - a big thanks to the Ostrava City Council for enabling this.

More details about this workshop will be provided on the webpage for this event. Send an email to CIE Central Bureau if you are interested in attending this workshop and want to be advised about poster paper submission for the workshop and when registration is open.

CIE/ICNIRP Tutorial and Symposium on the Measurement of Optical Radiation  and its Effects on Photobiological Systems

The planning of this event is in its early stages but is tentatively scheduled for August 2020 and will be held in Vienna, Austria.

If you want to be kept informed about further details of this event when they become available then send an email to CIE Central Bureau with your contact details.

CIE Publications - The 66,7% Discount
You probably know that CIE Publications can be purchased from the CIE Webshop.

But did you know that members of CIE National Committees (NCs) and Associate National Committees (ANCs) are entitled to a discount of 66,7 % when making purchases from the Webshop?

If you are a member of an  (A)NC and do not have this year's discount code then you can obtain it by contacting your NC or ANC.

Checkout the image below for a hint on how and when to use the discount code in the CIE Webshop, when making a purchase.

Call for Experts for CIE Technical Committees
TC 4-61: Artificial Lighting and its Impact on the Natural Environment

The purpose of this TC is to provide guidance on ways to minimize the effects of artificial lighting on the natural environment, including impacts on flora and fauna. This would be accomplished by making recommendations on light levels, spectral distributions, and other specific considerations of a broad range of organisms as well as specific habitats.

Chair: Annika K. Jägerbrand

TC 4-60: Road Traffic Lights - Photometric Properties of Roundel Signals

The purpose of this TC is to revise the international standard ISO 16508:1999/CIE S 006 and to specify requirements to colour, luminous intensity and luminous intensity distribution of 200 mm and 300 mm road traffic signals incorporating the newest LED technology in light signals, dealing specifically with impacts on signal recognition due to the sun including sun phantom and ghosting. Furthermore, TC 4-60 is to provide a test method for determining phantom light luminance ratio.

Chair: Ron Gibbons

TC 4-59: Guide for Lighting Urban Elements

The purpose of this TC is to revise and update the publication CIE 94:1993 ‘Guide for floodlighting’, introducing additional and updated information on the importance of lighting urban elements and the techniques and technology available for this lighting task, to extend the decorative/aesthetical focused guidelines by technical practice and research based recommendations on other issues such as economic, functional, environmental and urbanistic aspect, and to consider the particular case of cultural heritage in order to contribute to its preservation.

Chair: Diana del Negro

JTC 18 (D3/D4): Lighting Education

The purpose of this JTC is to revise and update CIE 99:1989 and to provide recommendations on curricula for higher education and continuing education. To propose recommendations for education of lighting professionals and recommend options to improve and support continuing lighting education throughout the professional working life.

Chair: Piotr Pracki

If you have expertise to contribute to any of the above, or other CIE TCs, then simply fill out the CIE TC Membership form and CIE Copyright Agreement form  and email them the to relevant TC Chair, with copy to CIE Central Bureau.